Historic Photos

Airport History

A large amount of gratitude goes to the former owner of Lake Ridge Aero Park and his partners. Winston Smith, better known as Randy, is a retired Captain with Piedmont / US Airways / SAS Institute, and as a teenager, took flying lessons at the field with Odell Wilkins

We thank you for your impact on Aviation, Lake Ridge Aero Park and your Friendship, 

Daniel Rovegno and Paul Rovegno II

1945 - 1954 Farris / Bryan Field

Dan Bryan 1948

1955 - 1965 Wilkins Field

Aeronca Champ

Wilkins Field

J-3 owned by Odell Wilkins

J-3 owned by Hubert Pennington

Odell Wilkins with his aircraft

125 HP Piper Tri-Pacer

Fairchild PT-19

Swift based at the airport

1966- 1976 Durham Skypark

Woody Woodall operated the airfield for 10 years as Durham Skypark.

Woody Woodall

1995-2020 Lake Ridge Aero Park

Airport sold to BRNJ, Inc. (Randy Smith, Bobby Fuller and Rick Fuller)

2020 - Current Lake Ridge Aero Park

Summer Fly In July of 2021

Summer Fly In July of 2021

Marcus Smith flying the Dream Flights Stearman

Lake Ridge Aero Park

Lake Ridge Aero Park

Marcus Smith and his J3 Cub